Monday, July 17, 2006

Kumite Drills for the beginner...Kumite Drill # 3

Kumite Tips #1/Kumite Tips #2/Kumite Tips #3/Kumite Tips #4/Kumite Tips #5/Kumite Tips #6/Kumite Tips #7/Kumite Tips #8/Kumite Tips #9

Kumite Drills # 1/Kumite Drills # 2/Kumite Drills # 3/

Kumite Drill # 3

Start with the left leg forward.

Bring the back foot almost up to where the front foot is and transfer your weight onto that leg.
With the front leg, do a front kick at jodan or chudan level. After the kick and from the hikite, place the kicking leg down in front of the weight bearing leg (Not too far forward), then transfer your weight to the front leg and shift back.

You should almost be completely back in your original position in a balanced kamae.

Next, bring the back foot up almost to where the front foot is, transfer your weight and do a roundhouse kick with the front leg.
Return the kicking leg to the ground in a medium front stance, transfer your weight once again and then shift back.

From your left leg forward Kamae, bring the back foot up to where the front foot is and do a side thrust kick with the front leg. Place the kicking leg down and in front of the weight bearing leg (Not too far forward) and then strongly shift back.

Bring the back foot up to where the front foot is and do a reverse roundhouse kick with the front leg. Place the kicking leg down and in front of the weight bearing leg (Not too far forward) then once again, strongly shift back.

Change to the right leg forward Kamae and repeat the drill...


Your hikite must come back quickly and you must be perfectly balanced and not leaning forward or backwards.

Your placement of the kicking leg should not be too far forward, unless of course you are setting your opponent up for a reverse punch by stepping into a front stance.

When you transfer your weight on to the front leg, thrust the back leg backwards for a faster and stronger shifting motion.

This drill helps to develop kicking from a balanced kamae, to the unbalanced kick itself and back into a balanced kamae, ready for the next offensive or defensive technique.

Like always, practice it about a hundred times from each side.

Don't forget to check out the exciting books and dvd's on Karate, Martial Arts, Zen, Weapons, Nutrition and Health from the Indulgent Samurai Store...


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Kumite Drills for the beginner...Kumite Drill # 2

Kumite Tips #1/Kumite Tips #2/Kumite Tips #3/Kumite Tips #4/Kumite Tips #5/Kumite Tips #6/Kumite Tips #7/Kumite Tips #8/Kumite Tips #9

Kumite Drills # 1/Kumite Drills # 2/

This drill is similar to Kumite Drills # 1/...

...when you've pulled your kicking leg back to it's original position, take a full step back with your left forward leg instead of shifting back. Your final stance will now be with your right leg forward.

This drill trains your body to take stances from both sides and to kick with either leg...

Start with the left leg forward.

Shift forward half a step and jab or back fist...this time instead of shifting back, take a full step back and end up with your right leg in front.

Shift forward again half a step and jab or back fist with your right fist...

...again, instead of shifting back, take a full step back and end up with your left leg once again in front.

Do this drill hundreds of times until you feel comfortable changing from your left leg forward stance to your right leg forward stance.

Once your comfortable changing stances, it's time to add all of your kicks.

Starting with your left leg forward, shift forward half a step, jab or back fist, and then do a front kick with the back leg. Return the kicking leg to its original position and then instead of shifting back like in Kumite Drills # 1/...step back with your left leg, ending up with your right leg and guard in front.

Shift forward half a step, jab or back fist, and then do another front kick with the back leg. Return the kicking leg to its original position and then take a step back ending up with your left leg and guard once again in front.

Do the same drill for the round house, side thrust kick, back kick and the reverse round house kick.

You can also add a reverse punch in after changing your Kamae from one side to the other for a variation...if your opponent made the mistake of chasing you, the reverse punch can be used to great affect.


When stepping back, try to keep the back straight and don't let the head trail your shoulders.

Instead of stepping back with the forward leg, it should actually be thrust back into position, this will allow you to set up much more quickly for your opponents counter attacks.

Don't forget to check out the exciting books and dvd's on Karate, Martial Arts, Zen, Weapons, Nutrition and Health from the Indulgent Samurai Store...


Saturday, July 15, 2006

Kumite Drills for the beginner...Kumite Drill # 1

Kumite Tips #1/Kumite Tips #2/Kumite Tips #3/Kumite Tips #4/Kumite Tips #5/Kumite Tips #6/Kumite Tips #7/Kumite Tips #8/Kumite Tips #9

Kumite Drills # 1/Kumite Drills # 2/

Freestyle Kumite is hard, damn hard and it seems that after a few minutes of sparring, all of my Karate technique goes out the window...

...I then have to remind myself about what I should be doing, technique wise.

When that happens I lose focus on what I am suppose to accomplish against my opponent.

Here's a simple drill that is the basis for all beginners in freestyle Kumite... must be practiced so that the movement becomes a part of you.

Practicing this drill will give the beginner both an offensive and defensive posture and is the basis for more advanced Kumite movements...

Drill # 1

Start with the left leg forward.

Shift forward half a step with the left leg and jab, shift back to original position.

Practice that a few times to get the feeling of shifting in and shifting back out.

Then shift forward half a step, jab, and then do a front kick with the back leg. Return the kicking leg back to it's original position and then shift back...

At this point you should be standing exactly where you started.

Now shift forward half a step, do a back fist or jab and then do a roundhouse kick with the back leg. Return the kicking leg to its original position and then shift back to your starting position.

Now, shift forward half a step, back fist or jab, and then do a side thrust kick with the back leg, return the kicking leg to its original position then shift back to your start position.

Shift forward half a step diagonally to the right side, back fist or jab, and then do a back kick with the back leg, return the kicking leg to it's original position and then shift back to your start position.

Shift forward half a step, back fist or jab, and then do a reverse roundhouse kick with the back leg, return the kicking leg to it's original position and then shift back to your initial start position.

Switch to the right leg forward and repeat.

Shifting forward a half step stretches the body like an elastic and the kicks naturally snap towards the target with greater speed...

...getting the kick back as fast it left and then shifting back, doesn't allow your opponent enough time or distance to counter attack you.

Even if he does make up the distance, you will be in a perfectly balanced position to defend or attack once again..

Practice those movements about a thousand times until they become automatic.


The key to shifting is in dropping your weight on your supporting leg and pushing straight forward or straight back. Also keep your hips as level as possible.

Don't forget to check out the exciting books and dvd's on Karate, Martial Arts, Zen, Weapons, Nutrition and Health from the Indulgent Samurai Store...