Sunday, November 20, 2005

Secrets of Martial Arts...and life...

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Excerpt from The Zen Way to The Martial Arts...

Concentrating means "all out," total release of energy; and it should be the same in every act of our life.

In the present-day world what we see is the opposite: young people half living, half dead. Their sexuality is half way, too, yet they think about sex at work or during zazen, and the other way round as well, and so it goes with everything they do.

But if you have exhausted all your energy, you can take in fresh energy, flowing like the water in the stream.

If you try to spare your energy in a fight, you cannot win. That's one secret of the martial arts. We cannot count on wasa, on technique alone. We have to create.

The martial arts are not theater or entertainment. That is not the true Budo. Kodo Sawaki used to say that the secret of the martial arts is that there is no victory and no defeat. You can neither win nor be beaten. It is not the same as in sports. be continued