Thursday, April 27, 2006

Accidents come out of idleness...the number 7 principle by Fuanakoshi...

Kumite Tips #1/Kumite Tips #2/Kumite Tips #3/Kumite Tips #4/Kumite Tips #5/Kumite Tips #6/Kumite Tips #7/Kumite Tips #8/Kumite Tips #9

Accidents come out of idleness...the number 7 principle by Funakoshi...

What exactly does Funakoshi mean about idleness...?'s some famous quotes that might help.

"We do not lack strength so much as the will to use it; and very often our imagining that things are impossible is nothing but an excuse of our own contriving, to reconcile ourselves to our own idleness". - François, Duc De La Rochefoucauld

"Purity of mind and idleness are incompatible".

Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Preeminent leader of Indian nationalism.

"Prolonged idleness paralyzes initiative".

Unknown Source

"Idleness is emptiness; the tree in which the sap is stagnant, remains fruitless".

- Hosea Ballou, Manuscript--Sermons

"Inactivity and deprivation of all accustomed stimulus is not rest; it is a preparation for the tomb".

- Robertson Davies

What I think Funakoshi was getting at here, was the fact that if a Karate-ka moves about lazily with no real prupose in mind, he or she will end up realizing some very negative consequences.

In Kumite the Karate-ka should always have some kind of goal or idea of what they want to accomplish...

...I could go on, but I think you get the idea...basically, never be lazy...