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Kumite Drills # 1/Kumite Drills # 2/Kumite Drills # 3
When is a punch or kick not really a punch or kick? It's not really a punch or kick if the technique is applied with only your arm or leg.
If your not using all of your body and muscles in unison, to deliver a swift and fluid technique
then you're not making efficient use of relaxation and concentration of power to deliver a strike.
It's really a foreign concept for some that a totally relaxed body and muscles can deliver more power than if your muscles are tense...
...but it's true.
A tensed muscle lacks the elasticity to smoothly pass on generated power to the next set of relaxed muscles.
Power essentially doubles then quadruples in magnitude, if allowed to freely flow through your body via your relaxed muscles.
Practicing with bag will develop powerful fluidity in your strikes and kicks...
...the next trick will be to concentrate all that energy at a target.
to be continued...Rhythm
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