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I should know better...trying to front kick a 6'2 260 lb black belt...
...I'm a second level brown belt by the way, 48 years old, 5'7 and 150 lbs with all my clothes on.
I didn't hear my big toe crack, but I sure felt it...ouch!
It didn't stop me from sparring for the rest of the night...I just wasn't able to use that foot for any kicks...which reduces the number of weapons I have at my disposal.
One of natures and our bodies neat tricks, is to block out pain when the adrenaline starts flowing in a fight or flight response from an outside threat.
Of course when the adrenaline is gone, as a matter of course, my body appropriately informs me of the injured area that needs attending too, by sending shooting pain signals from my toe to my brain.
It was really bad technique on my part...kicking like I'm kicking a soccer ball, rather than raising my knee and thrusting forward with my hips, and hitting with the ball of my foot.
Anyway, I'm at least symmetrical now, cracked toes wise, my right big toe a month ago and now my left...
When am I going to learn...
At least I'm not as bad off as the black belt teenager that took a reverse roundhouse kick to the face, bloodying his nose, courtesy of a female black belt in our class.
Guys, a word of warning when sparring with women...
...always be prepared for the unexpected and give yourself more room for defending yourself...
...women will take liberties with you because they will see you as being bigger and stronger and able to take more abuse, which is true of course...
...but even a 110 lb women can knock a man down with just the right roundhouse or reverse roundhouse to the jaw...
...so remember, don't take the gals lightly.
My sensei likes to mix up the partners, so that we get a chance to spar with karate-ka with different body types and different levels of skill.
After sparring with the immovable object, a 260 lb blackbelt instructor from a different dojo, I was partnered with a purple belt, with similar stature to myself.
Now this fellow and it is one advantage of smaller men, very quick...so all my blocking and striking had to be turned up a notch.
Kumite is where the practical aspect of basic training and kata are utilized...
...Unfortunately performing free sparring kumite at kata and basic kicking and striking speeds, will have you lying on the mat for the 10 count.
There is no time for thinking in free sparring kumite...
...even at this basic introductory level this fact is all too clear.
The game can change from defense to offense in a split second...
...being the first to attack, can also mean being the first to be hit the floor.
More on Kumite soon...