Kumite Tips #1/Kumite Tips #2/Kumite Tips #3/Kumite Tips #4/Kumite Tips #5/Kumite Tips #6/Kumite Tips #7/Kumite Tips #8/Kumite Tips #9
"Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself."
Rabbi Abraham Heschel
Saying no to oneself... isn't that just the real problem with mankind in general?
How could George W. say "no" to invading Iraq...?
I mean, personally, how can I say no to french fries and yes to a side salad instead...?
How can I refuse myself the pleasure of an extra beer or glass of wine after a hard days work...?
Must my karate always be the main focus in life right now, or can I day dream about lazing about on a beach somewhere?
I think the Rabbi has it right though...
...there is something empowering about saying no to yourself, even after your ego has made its very logical argument, for making a particular kind of indulgence...whatever it may be.
You see, we're all dealing with the shrewdest of used car salesman, especially when "it" wants something or "thinks" it deserves something.
Getting back to discipline, I rather enjoy this quote by Brian Adams...
..."Learn the art of patience. Apply discipline to your thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal. Impatience breeds anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success."
Now that's the kind of motivation I like to hear...the kind of stuff that keeps me on track, and on the right path...
...the path that will lead me to a black belt, which in reality, is just another stop on my journey...
...a journey we call life...
Discipline...it's one of those vital "life" ingredients.