Monday, March 20, 2006

The Journey for a Black Belt begins...

Kumite Tips #1/Kumite Tips #2/Kumite Tips #3/Kumite Tips #4/Kumite Tips #5/Kumite Tips #6/Kumite Tips #7/Kumite Tips #8/Kumite Tips #9

I got my Red Belt on Friday and my certificate today...

...and so begins my chronicles on becoming a Black Belt in Karate.

Over the next year and a half, I've got to watch what I eat, make more healthy food choices, reduce my alcohol consumption and somehow get into the best shape of my life...

...quite the task for someone who's nearly 49 years old and somewhat indulgent.

It's going to be tough, but hey, that's what makes any journey real...

...the struggle, the ups, the downs and the obstacles along the way.

Tonight there were just 3 of us in the Dojo. It was a cold evening and the new schedule for training hasn't drawn that many students to Monday nights yet.

What I like most about small classes is that you get more personal attention and instruction from the head master, like having your own personal trainer...

Anyway, we spent 45 minutes straight doing Kata's Heian Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan, Godan, Tekki-Shodan, Tekki-Nidan, and Tekki-Sandan.

I was nearly exhausted afterwards, as we had to put a lot of Kime into each Kata, over and over again...

...I think I'll sleep well tonight.

Next week Kumite starts again, so I'll have some more tips on how to improve your sparring...even against the women.