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Don Juan spoke about the "mood" of a Warrior, as having "death" beside you, as your companion and your adviser.
Musashi stated that it is the resolute acceptance of death.
It seems like a somber and harsh reality to experience, but it is the most indispensable ingredient needed, if a martial artist wants to win.
In Don Juan's world, as well as Musashi's, it's all about power. In particular the power to overcome men.
It's easy to see that in a battle, the warrior that has already accepted death, has a distinct advantage over the warrior who is trying not to be killed.
Let's translate this idea over to a Kumite match. Since we are not fighting to the death, do we really need to cultivate this mood? The answer is yes.
If you are not afraid to die, then you will not be afraid to attack with total commitment and abandonment.
It's only a matter of inches between winning and losing a Kumite match, so practice and experience the "Mood" of a Warrior".
Once you can feel and experience the mood of a warrior for yourself, you'll be ready and better able to understand "Mae Geri" and it's devastating penetrating affect...
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