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Here is my Indulgent Samurai routine...
...done "hopefully" daily, except on nights when I am at the Dojo, currently Wednesdays and Fridays...
First off Karate-do, means exactly that...the do part I mean.
An Indulgent Samurai has to "do", or rather practice...there is no other way to become proficient at Karate, or the other martial arts without at least, even short practice sessions on a daily basis...
Every morning, due to the fact I have a bad back, I do my warm up exercises, which include stretching, sit ups, and push-ups...
...those are followed by 10 reps each of all the Karate blocks and one punching technique...
...after those I do one sequence out of the twelve black belt grading sequences...
In the evenings, I spend about an hour going through the grading movements for my next belt level, third brown, followed by all the Kata's I have learned up to this point. Of course I will do my grading Kata about 3 times in a row.
I tried to do my Jo staff training, but had to stop because I wrecked a bunch of ceiling tiles in the basement...
Anyway, that's my routine...and I faithfully try to stick to it.
Of course, I am an Indulgent Samurai and at times I get caught up with other things in life and miss a routine...but that's ok...like in zazen, as long as I keep returning to my breath in meditation and my karate practice, I will be walking my path, my karate-do way of life.